25 May

Today, it is not uncommon to hear people say things like, "men and women aren't different and shouldn't be treated like they are", or "there is a lot of gender inequality", or maybe even, "gender stereotypes are bad". Are these statements true? Is it wrong for us to encourage our sons to be "manly"? Or for us to encourage our daughters to be more "ladylike"? According to science, no! Men and women are naturally different from each other. We have different tendencies, wants, interests, etc. 

Let's take women for example. It is becoming increasingly popular for women to shun the stereotypes surrounding them. Studies show that women are naturally more nurturing then men, they have a greater capacity to care for others, and are very people oriented. Even newborn girls focus more on the faces of people, where as newborn boys focus more on the objects around them. It is literally in a woman's nature to care for others, to care for children. People say that stereotypes are harmful to children, that it forces them into a social box, but women literally change the world by following through on some of those stereotypes. When I think of the power of women, I think of my mother. She was the most caring person I know, she excelled in her role as nurturer and taught me that being soft, gentle, or in other words ladylike, was an incredible strength in itself.

In regards to men, there are less and less of them that are following the typical breadwinner-of-a-family role. However, just has women are naturally amazing moms, men are naturally amazing fathers. Children who have a good relationship with their dad are 80% less likely to end up in jail than children who don't. I think that statistic alone shows the incredible impact a father has on society! Studies also show that men are able to see things individually or separate where as women tend to struggle with seeing things less than the whole. Men are more spatially aware than women, they are more likely to rough house with their kids than woman are, and they are natural providers/protectors. 

Now, you may still not be convinced that men and women are inherently different. It is interesting to note though, these "social constructs" of gender roles are seen in EVERY culture around the world with only minor variations. Not only is it a way of life for all humans, it is that way for nearly every species on the planet as well. When looking at a man and woman's brain side by side, you can tell which gender was which 80% of the time. The differences between men and women are important ones! But why? Can you imagine if your mom was exactly like your dad? or vice versa? Both genders bring so many valuable variations and perceptions to relationships. We are meant to complement each other, not be carbon copies of one another. And the stereotypes that exist are there for a reason! Now I'm not suggesting that there aren't any toxic ones that exist, there certainly is! But the ones that encourage us to embrace our natural strengths should not be thrown out with the rest!

Differences in this life, whether it be gender, race, or culture should be celebrated to the fullest. We all are who we are for a reason, we each have something to offer society. Without our differences, life would be a boring and mundane thing. It would also make me feel like I have less of a purpose. If anyone can do what I can, why am I needed? The answer is because there are somethings that I can do or that you can do that no one else on earth can!

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